The transit trip time from Rocket's Landing to Willow Lawn currently takes about 30 minutes, while the same trip by car takes about 10 minutes. Rapid transit will transform Richmond City, cutting down on the transit trip time, and encouraging more people to use transit instead of driving. Rapid transit would help ease congestion on problematic Broad St., making it easier for both drivers and non-drivers to get around the city. Please this fantastic opportunity at the meetings or online to have your voice heard, and keep the momentum going for rapid transit.
I also hope that the idea of the Main Street transportation hub comes up at the meeting. Main Street Station seems like the ideal location to have centralized train, bus, bike, and taxi service, but there has been some opposition to this idea in the past. Let's help make this city more interconnected, help improve the quality of life for people who use alternate modes of transportation, and help ease traffic congestion for all. Speak up for rapid transit and centralized transportation in Richmond!
Study website:
Public Meeting Reminder
Please join us to improve transit service and traffic conditions on Broad Street. Public information meetings are scheduled forOctober 19 and 20, 2010. The study team will show you several ways how Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) can use a combination of enhanced transit services, stations, and roadway improvements to provide faster, more efficient transit service in Richmond and Henrico County.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV-Beside the Science Museum)
2300 W. Broad St., Richmond
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Main Street Station
1500 East Main St., Richmond
Limited free parking available on west side of building- West Lot at 15th and East Franklin.
These informal meetings are identical and will be held from 6 p.m. –8 p.m. with a presentation at 7 p.m.
Can’t make the meeting? Please send your comments by November 19, 2010.
Visit the study website to learn more We encourage you to review the Public Meeting Handout found on the Documents page of the website or under Quick Links below before completing this form. You may send your comments in one of the following ways:
· Mail: Larry Hagin, Director of Planning; GRTC Transit System; 301 East Belt Blvd., Richmond, VA 23224
Quick Links:
Study Corridor Map (More detailed version, showing potential bus stations)
Learn About Bus Rapid Transit (Federal Transit Administration site)
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